Sidoo Family Giving (SFG) was borne from the belief that within each of us lie the gifts
of time, talent and treasure, and that those gifts can make a difference in the lives of
others in our respective communities. Both David Sidoo, Manjy Sidoo —his wife and
sons Dylan & Jordan have always been actively involved in their community, which naturally led to
them establishing Sidoo Family Giving together. SFG actively participates in and
contributes to a number of local endeavors in the Lower Mainland area as well as certain
projects outside the community they calls home.
“It’s important to uncover the needs in your own backyard. And if you can just help one
person it makes all the difference in that person’s life and potentially for many others
down the line. It feels good to do it,” says David Sidoo.
Sidoo Family Giving aims to inspire, encourage and empower others who have been blessed
with success in life to look for opportunities to give and support their own